
Read Up-To-Date for the latest news



December 2010 - From the first of december my publication GAME URBANISM will be available. The book contains texts by Charles Landry, Francien van Westrenen and myself and shows a (selection) of Bureau Venhuizen projects. But most of all GAME URBANISM shows my view on a cultural approach of spatial planning.


The Discovery of the Maasplein

October 2008 - As part of the program "Arts + Culture in the Pact on South" Bureau Venhuizen examines the possibility of role of the entranes to the south of Rotterdam can be of greater importance for this part of the city.



July 2009 - The concpet GastGastgeber means that the Netherlands during the Cultural Capital Year RUHR.2010 temporary, special and mobile devices createds for hotel guests and visitors of the projects. These hotel facilities are in place and time associated with concentrations of the Dutch cultural presentations but they turn themselves also in centers for design, music, theater and visual arts. So the Netherlands is guest in Germany and at the same time host for the visitors, that is the sense of GastGastgeber (=Guest-Host).
The concept GastGastgeber is developed by Lucas Verweij (Berlin), Hans Venhuizen of Bureau Venhuizen (Rotterdam) and Boris Sieverts of the German "Büro für Städtereisen" (Cologne), for the Dutch Consulate in Düsseldorf.


LIFE, the game

May 2009 - As part of the art exibition 'Ruhezeit abgelaufen' Hans Venhuizen developed Life, the Game. (Ruhezeit abgelauben means that the period of burying has ended)



October 2009 - From October 2008 to May 2009 is the debate game THE MAKING OF© by Bureau Venhuizen part of the project "Make our Country" in the Dutch Architecture Institute. (NAi Rotterdam)


Establishment Parquette Game

October 2009 - The Establishment Parquette Game is part of the exhibition TEAMWORK in Museum De Paviljoens of Almere in October 2008 to March 2009.



September 2008 - Commisioned by the Province of Gelderland Bureau Venhuizen search for the possibilities to establish new landmarks along the river Waal. September 2008 - Voor de Provincie Gelderland onderzoekt Bureau Venhuizen de mogelijkheden voor de oprichting van nieuwe 'Bakens' langs de Waal.


Guanxi Game

October 2008 - In cooperation with Tanja Reith Hans Venhuizen developed the 'Guanxi Game', a simulation game how to learn to develope a network of contacts in China.


The Essential Margin

October 2008 - Commisioned by Hotel Transvaal Bureau Venhuizen examined the influence of the 'essential margin' on the urban renewal of the residential Transvaal in The Hague



October 2008 - For the next years project Veenbreed will provide the most creative innovators of The Green Heart with kowlegde and networks of artists and developers.


Canon of the Netherlands

Study day - 25 June
For the Heritage House Zuid Holland Bureau Venhuizen organises the presentation of Canon of the Netherlands (highlights of the history of the Netherlands) for teachers from the primary school Zuid Holland at Landgoed Keukenhof.


Culture-based Planning

Lecture + exhibition CBK Den Bosch - 24 April 2008
For 'Anno Here' a programme of the CBK Den Bosch Hans Venhuizen hold a lecture concerning culture-based planning.


The making of

Study day - 22 April 2008
Hans Venhuizen organised for the Heritage Houses and Architecture Centres a study day concerning cooperation possibilities by means of the method The making Of.



Start project Des Beemsters - 21 April 2008
Des Beemsters project developed by RROG Landscape Architecture developed a vision in according of an open plan process.


An diesem Platz

Lecture Wageningen University - 10 April 2008
Hans Venhuizen hold a lecture within the framework of the Capita Selecta programme of the Wageningen University concerning the beneficial role which restrictions can play at developing particular landscapes.


Renewed Internet site Des Beemsters

The renewed internet site of Des Beemsters. Design: Studio Minke Themans i.a.w. Bass Ben Zineb (web developer) is active.


Watertabels des Beemsters

Start water project Des Beemsters - 31 March 2008
With the organisation of a number of so-called water tables the project Des Beemsters has started in association with the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier, for the actualisation of the water system, taking the cultural history into account.


Beemster courtyards

Start courtyard project Des Beemsters - March 2008
The research project Des Beemsters with collaboration of landscape architect Patrick McCabe, has started with an inventory of all current and expected developments on the Beemster courtyards.



Research mission Landmarks to Water - March/September 2008
For the control group Landmarks to Water, Hans Venhuizen conduct an investigation, as a continuation on the contest with same the title, to the possibilities of setting up landmarks in the river area.


Breda North East

Starts study into cultural phenomena Breda North East - March 2008
For district development in Breda North East Bureau Venhuizen assembles by means of conversations current phenomena, sentiment and wishes in the district which are important for drawing up a plan for the future planning of the public space of the district Hoge Vucht at Breda North East.



project plan - March 2008
For 'Song tracks' - CBK Utrecht, Hans Venhuizen wrote the project plan Veenbreed for the establishment of an Office for Transformation which gives recommendation about the Greenheart area.
( en veenbreed.pdf only in dutch)


The essential margin

Research mission for Transvaal Den Haag - March/September 2008
For hotel Transvaal, the Laboratory for the 'Time in Between', Bureau Venhuizen examines the 'essential margin'.
Examined is thereby how art, everyday culture, unmeaning ness, coincidence, temporality and other matter which takes place generally to the edge of large transformation processes like in Transvaal, how those phenomena from the margin, will play an essential role in the transformation process.


Guanxi Game

Development game - March 2008
Bureau Venhuizen developed in association with Tanja Reith the Guanxi Game, concerning constructing business networks in China.


Copper engraving

Digitalisation the area Beemster copper engraving, Des Beemsters - January 2008
For the World Heritage the Copper Engraving, the first picture of the area Beemster, plays an almost mythical role. For the project Office Des Beemsters and the Hoogheemraadschap Holland Noorderkwartier, this Copper Engraving has been introduced as layer in the GBKN so that a comparison between the current and original situation could be carried out.
(kopergravure.pdf only in dutch)


From night watch to night hunting

Presentation Diogenes workshop Arnhem -26 January 2008
Under the motto 'design the task' Hans Venhuizen organised a six-day workshop for the Arnhemse Academy of Construction Art around the German bunker complex Diogenes.
Four groups of students have been put a task for the future transformation of the complex by means of appointing phenomena.
(diogenes.pdf only in dutch)


Quality team of the Beemsters

Starts quality team of Des Beemsters - December 2007
For the critical accompaniment of different Des Beemsters-projects a quality team has been composed consisting: Rob de Jong, Jan Doets, Stefan Gall, Peter Paul Witsen, Eric Luiten, Magdaleen Sturm and Marinke Steenhuis. Steenhuis.


Welcome Water World

Lecture replacing the dike at Nijmegen, debate centre LUX- 4 December 2007
For the security near the river Waal for the coming years at Nijmegen, a piece of dike across the river is 'put back' and with that a piece of the village Lent is added to the flood plain.
In its lecture Welcome Water World Hans Venhuizen emphasised especially the particular sides of this new coming ' Drowned country of Lent'.
(welkomwaterwereld.pdf only in dutch)


Proposal for a meeting spot about the car in Transvaal, Den Haag - November 2007
The large potential, which has the car as cultural joint venture is left in spatial scheduling systematic, not used.
Hans Venhuizen present here Autonië, a proposal in Transvaal in the business area Uitenhagestraat a special arrange meeting spot about the car.
( and autoniê.pdf only in dutch)


Publication: The happy Crab presented

You can download the The publication: The Happy Crab and other proposals for the future of the Krabbeplas by Bureau Venhuizen here.

pdf The Happy Crab (only in dutch)


Harvest day concludes Case Study Krabbeplas

On the 29th of September 2007 Bureau Venhuizen closed the Case-Study Krabbeplas with the ' Harvest Day '. On this 'Large Design Show' the publication: The Happy Crab is presented by Hans Venhuizen whereupon all people present start the battle with it in a so called' Sketch-In'. The day has finisched with a good meal of historical Courts.

See also :


To do as if in Yearbook of Architecture

In April the yearbook for Architecture in the Netherlands appeared. The playground ' do as if ' that Bureau Venhuizen made in the municipality Hilversum is presented in this yearbook at pages 146-147. In the june-numberof the magazine for landscape architecture ' De blauwe Kamer ' also includes an article about ' do as if '. and


Bureau des Beemsters has started

In June 2007 the 'Bureau des Beemsters' has started. 'Bureau des Beemsters' is a direct result of the development vision ' des Beemsters ' for this world heritage. Des Beemsters has been established by Bureau Venhuizen and in February 2007 adopted by the municipality Council.


Case-Study Krabbeplas

The CLAIM-days that were organised by Bureau Venhuizen on 22-23-24 June showed a rich scale of new approaches to transform with the future recreation landscape. and pdf invitation


Tesameheid in Autonië

In June 2007 Hans Venhuizen took part in a by OpTrek organised research-programme around the transformation process of Transvaal, a district in The Hague. Venhuizen launched there two new terms. First ' Tesameheid ', a name for the compulsive mixing of cultures and income categories in this district of which the streets are called to the founders of Apartheid. And secondly ' Autonia ' or the country where the car will be central as the great cultural link.
and pdf (only in Dutch)


Column at farewell Mayor

On May 24 2007 Geke Faber took farewell as temporary mayor of the city of Den Helder. At this occasion Hans Venhuizen wrote a column about the culture of the city and how to use these possibilities in the future by town planning.

pdf (only in Dutch)


Zsolnay-workshop in Pécs Hungary

The hungarien city of Pécs is one of three European cultural capitals in 2010. For the transformation of the ceramic factory Zsolnay to a cultural centre Bureau Venhuizen organises a three-day workshop according to their The making of'-methode. Although initially planned in June 2007 the workshop will take place in September 2007.


China journey for Archprix international

In April 2007 Bureau Venhuizen in association with Eduard Kögel took care of the architectural programme for the China-excursions Hunter Douglas organised within the framework of Archiprix international to China. About 250 guests were taken along The Forbidden City to Thames Town and from Olympia to Qingpu.


The applied artist

During the A1 meeting ' Quality of the highway as public space ' in Borne on Thursday 8 February 2007 Hans Venhuizen gave an introduction titled: The applied artist from task setter to concept manager

pdf (only in Dutch)


Arnhem am Rhein

On November 7th, 2006 in Arnhem Hans Venhuizen presented the results of the workshop around the future possibilities for the Rijn-area of Arnhem, titled: 'Wet agriculture and heavy recreation'.

see pdf (only in Dutch)


Final meeting Masterclass Urban Planning Academy of Architecture Rotterdam
The city never stops. About new conditions in urban design

December 2006 – ‘Practise, practise, practise’, sounded the device of the masters to the urban planners at the end of the presentations on December 8. Six participants and two visiting critics presented their vision on urban design, the future of planning and the role of the government.


Article in Topos – The international Review of Landscape Architecture and Urban design
Living on Estate Agents’ Water

December 2006 – On behalf of the special issue about architecture and landscape (number 57, december 2006), Hans Venhuizen wrote an article about living with water as a socially desirable commodity.

Living on Estate Agents’ Water


article in Topos – magazine of the Laboratorium for Spatial Planning of Wageningen University

December 2006 – On behalf of the special issue about concepts (nummer 3, december 2006) Hans Venhuizen wrote an article about the role of the concept in making the connection between ambition and plan.


Start final phase case study Krabbeplas
Blue algae day in the Krabbeplas, Vlaardingen

November 2006 - Within the framework of Case study Krabbeplas Bureau Venhuizen works on a project about new ways of using the recreational area Krabbeplas. Part of this project is a research into using environmental problems as a source for new design. This was illustrated during the Blue algae day on November 18. In the upcoming year Bureau Venhuizen will - together with inhabitants, artists and designers - investigate the potentials of this approach.


presentation of the follow-up of the development vision
Typically Beemster II: From vision to projects

November 2006 – To a commission from Beemster Municipal Council, Bureau Venhuizen has worked up the development vision into twelve projects in cooperation with Marinke Steenhuis (Steenhuis stedenbouw/landschap) and Patrick McCabe (REDscape architecture and urbanism). The projects are about developments in water, housing types, monuments and estates. They will test the rules set by the ‘Beemster Toolbox’, after which they can be used to draw up the new land-use plan for this rural area.


a travelogue from China
Urban Glutamate

juli 2006 - In spring 2006, Hans Venhuizen and Margit Schuster, spent a few months in the city of Xiamen, China, at the invitation of the Chinese European Art Center. They produced a travelogue about their journey and residency.

Urban Glutamate (2,5 MB)


Masterclass Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design
The city always keeps moving. About new condtions in urban design.

Juni 2006 - He who works in the field of spatial planning, works in a context which is continuously on the move. How to deal with it as a designer? Three masters Wies Sanders (Urban Unlimited), Rudy Stroink (TCN Property Projects) and Rients Dijkstra (Maxwan architects and urbanists) will search with the participants for ways to handle the new conditions in the light of concrete tasks. The masterclass offers an alternating programme of colleges, excursions, design sessions, columns and discussions. Also persons operating within the field of design, policy, art, architecture and science are involved.

See for more information and application.


Construction Speelhoff in Hilversum started
As if faking isn't also just doing.

Juni 2006 - The construction of the playing garden at the van ‘t Hoffplein, a square at the quarter Liebergen in Hilversum has started. Play equipment like the little house and the slide are already intalled and during this summer further arrangements will be made to finalize the Speelhoff. According to the expectations the playground will be realized in August 2006.


Elaboration of development vision des Beemsters
des Beemsters. Phase 2. The --Beemster construction box.

Juni 2006 - Bureau Venhuizen is commissioned by the municipality of Beemster to elaborate to the development vision for the Beemster in association with Marinke Steenhuis and Patrick Mc Cabe. In the forthcoming months topics such as housing, water, recreation, nature and infrastructure and how these can be developed on a Beemster way are examined (therefore according to the Beemster construction box). The results will be anchored in the new destination plan rural area.


Educational internet site concerning cultural planology

Juni 2006 - As from September, pupils in the Duin-en Bollenregion can discover the past present and future of their region by means of the Internet site Here they encounter a treasure of information packed in maps, informative items, animations, games, videos, pictures and tasks. Bulb an interdisciplinary internet site, which can be applied within the subject of geography, history, sociology and culture. The site has been developed for the Heritage center for South Holland.


In the search of new use of the recreation area Midden-Delfland.
The third occupation.

May 2006 - In previous years recreation has become more individual, more informal and more unpredictable. The question is how the recreation area of Midden-Delfland, more specifically the Krabbeplas, in Vlaardingen can anticipate on these developments and demands. Bureau Venhuizen, commissioned by the municipality of Vlaardingen and Skor examines new recreation, the kind of impact it has on the division of space and what adjustments could be made with regard to design and management.


Organisation China-excursions for Hunter Douglas/Archiprix
Under Construction.

May 2006 - Once every second year Archiprix International presents the worlds best graduate projects in the field of architecture, city construction and landscape architecture. In April 2007 the award ceremony takes place in Shanghai. As the main sponsor Hunter Douglas invites a group of 250 international architects to attend this ceremony. For them Bureau Venhuizen in association with Eduard Kögel composes a four days’ excursion programme for Beijing and Shanghai. The excursions lead to the classical monuments such as the Forbidden City and the temple or heaven, but also to recent developments such as the opera building of Andreu in Beijing or the city Qingpu near Shanghai.

See for further information.


Round off with debate and publication
Limes, the future of the history.

April 2006 - On April 25 the design teams presented their proposals for Park Over-Betuwe in LUX (Nijmegen). All four they examined how the Roman cultural history may enlighten the future park. By using cleverly the geomorphology, the mentality of the river people and the archaeological find-spots they search for an identity for the park based on the qualities of the area itself.

See for a report of the debate.


The Limes. The future of history

June 2005 – Can the Romans and Batavians with their invisible traces play an important role in the creation of the Over-Betuwe Landscape Park. This question is central to the project ‘The Limes: the future of history’. During the project that runs to December 2005, four newsletters will inform the participants and the persons interested about the developments.

Prize ceremony
Ginette Blom winner of competition Recreation Today

22 June 2005 – During the symposium Plannen met Verbeelding (‘Concepts of Imagination’), organized by the Kunst en Vormgeving Noord-Holland (‘Art and Design foundation of North-Holland’) and the Provincie Noord-Holland on June 22, the presentation of prizes of the competition Recreation Today took place. The jury and the audience chose designer Ginette Blom with her plan GAMBA! as the first prize winner. Her concept is praised for the recreation possibilities for both adults and children: ‘GAMBA! shows activity and will positively influence the redesign of the area. More information: (more)

Recreatie Actueel (only in Dutch, pdf 60 KB)
More then inspiration
The artist’s role in culture-based planning projects

May 2005 – Article in in k.i.p, magazine Visual Arts and Design of province of North-Holland. Policymakers plead for an important role of culture under which art within the spatial planning of the Netherlands. Is it possible for artists to contribute to this complex process in a meaningful way? With examples of more and less successful projects, Bureau Venhuizen draws the position of artists in the proces of spatial planning.

More then inspiration (only in Dutch, pdf 28 KB)
Typically Beemster

May 2005 – On behalf of the municipality of Beemster, the Milieufederatie environmental group, and the province of Noord-Holland, Bureau Venhuizen is working on a method that will define the character of the Beemster area. The findings will help in generating widespread support for agreements concerning the process of physical development in the Beemster area. The project’s objective is to seek an optimal balance between promoting an economically healthy community and developing a unique cultural-historical identity. The need to address this issue has been apparent since the Beemster area acquired the status of World Heritage Site. Bureau Venhuizen will carry out the process with a team of experts, researchers, and designers from May to December 2005.
Alles wird gut

7 May 2005 – During the project Urban Art Stories on and around Berlin’s Alexanderplatz, Hans Venhuizen will give a lecture entitled 'Alles wird gut' on authenticity: from new urbanism via vanilla curds to the Berlin phenomenon of the strolling sausage-seller.
Recreation Today

May 2005 – The competition brief Recreatie Actueel (‘Recreation Today’) deals with the culture of recreation. Recreation is affected by trends. What was popular a year ago is now dismissed as uninteresting. In redeveloping an existing recreation area, you can ask yourself what are the current and future recreation needs and how these could influence the redesign of the area. The brief is to answer these questions with a plan of approach for the Geestmerambacht recreation area. A jury of experts will assess the submissions and the best proposal will win €1000. The competition is being staged in the run-up to the symposium on Culture-Based Planning, to be held on June 22, 2005, in Haarlem. The prize-winner will be announced at that event. This competition has been developed by Bureau Venhuizen on behalf of Kunst en Vormgeving Noord-Holland. More information: (more)
Kunst in Meerstad

May 2005 – As part of a presentation for Kunst in Meerstad in Groningen, Brenno Visser has produced five animations of projects by Bureau Venhuizen and submissions to the Amphibious Living competition.

The Fifth Wheel competition submission from Krijn Giezen / Villa Horizon project / Parquette landscape project / Amphibious Living result of Barendrecht implementation team / Wetland competition winner MG Architecten
Seminar: The next 100 years. Future of housing. Budapest (Hungary)

April 4, 2005 – The occasion for this seminar on architecture, housing construction and planning in Budapest was the photographic exhibition about a century of Dutch housing legislation. This exhibition was created in 2001 and since then has toured various countries in former Eastern Europe, on each occasion accompanied by a symposium about residential construction in the country concerned. The Roeleveld-Sikkens architecture bureau, which also has an office in Budapest, organized the seminar for the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM). Hans Venhuizen was invited as a speaker. On the basis of a number of historical and modern-day examples, Hans Venhuizen discussed cultural continuity in the built environment. He argued that culture is a factor that can manifest itself during all phases of the planning process and is therefore not something that you append or invent later on.
An education project on culture-based planning

March 2005 – For an assignment from the Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland (Heritage Centre for South Holland), Bureau Venhuizen developed a website for young people about culture-based planning in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region, in association with designers and education experts. The aim of BULB is to raise the awareness of students at secondary schools about the role that cultural history and contemporary culture can play in the planning of the built environment and the cultural landscape. The website has a layered structure of ‘Looking – Learning – Doing’, which coincides with the way in which culture-based planning is embedded in the project
Soul and Soil.
L,v and L,b Foundations Disbanded

March 2005 – Founded in 1992 by Hans Venhuizen, Marcel Smink and Frank Hemeltjen, the Locus, velocitas (L,v) foundation was disbanded in March 2005. The foundation was active between 1992 and 1999 in the development of a range of activities, from exhibition projects to creating an alternative for BK-Informatie, an information source for the visual arts, and from a proposal for an event about death and life to a business centre, for which the L,b (Locus, bouricius) foundation was specifically set up. (more)
No WAPLA for Leidsche Rijn

January 2005 – Despite the enthusiasm for the designs for the carwash facilities shown by the client and representatives of carwash businesses, the Leidsche Rijn project bureau has not succeeded in finding businesses that can realize and operate the carwashes on the desired scale at the prospective locations. The Wapla designs were warmly welcomed by a number of potential licensees, but the business risk was still considered too great in the chosen set-up. (more)
design commission
De Speelhoff: Dudok for Beginners

Proposal for a children’s playground at the Van ’t Hoffplein in Hilversum
January 2005 – A large-scale urban renewal plan will be realized in Hilversum Oost, the eastern section of Hilversum, over the coming years. The objective is to preserve the typical style and character of the district, designed by the former municipal architect Dudok. Besides housing, the public space will undergo a thorough revamp. As part of the renovation of the Van ’t Hoffplein, the Municipality of Hilversum invited the artist Hans Venhuizen to share his thoughts and ideas about plans for the layout of the public garden and the relocation of the playground that currently stands there. Venhuizen has a developed a concept for a collective children’s playground based on the floor plans of the original Dudok dwellings. This preserves an essential aspect of the original quality of the neighbourhood at an unexpected spot. (more)
Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil): the book

December 2004 - The book ‘Geest en Grond, culturele planologie in de Duin- en Bollenstreek’ presents the results of two years of discussion and thought, observation, learning and designing for the Dune and Flowerbulb Region with the deployment of cultural history in spatial developments as the guiding principle. This handsome Dutch-language publication produced by Bureau Venhuizen in association with the Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland (Heritage Centre for South Holland). It can be ordered for € 29.50 via and is available at better regional and national bookstores. ISBN 90-808898-1-4
Final Symposium for Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil)

December 9, 2004 – What are the chances for a Mecca for senior citizens in Warmond, a design for a new ruin in Voorhout, new business complexes that beautify the landscape in Noordwijkerhout, and Spartan lodgings in an old flowerbulb shed in Lisse. These themes and others were on the agenda at the final symposium of Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil), which presented the results of two years of research into the integration of cultural history for spatial development in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region. Design proposals were presented along with a commentary from ‘project watchers’. The presentation was followed by a round-table discussion chaired by Bert van Meggelen with Dirk Sijmons, Jan van Grunsven, Marcel Vissers, Marc Witteman and other experts from the region. ( > implementation)
Conference on Space 2004 in Cruise Terminal Rotterdam

October 26, 2004 – The goals of the Ruimtelijk Planbureau (the Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research), organizer of the Ruimteconferentie (‘Conference on Space’), include exploring and highlighting spatially relevant social trends. The Conference on Space tackles a whole range of space-related themes which are presented in workshops and discussed. Hans Venhuizen gave a talk on the basis of Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil) about the role that cultural-historical qualities could play in counteracting undesirable spatial developments in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region. He presented The Making of of methodology. Devised by Bureau Venhuizen, this methodology is a game that functions as a generator of ideas, inspiring participants to come up with innovative plans for spatial planning issues. Using ‘The making of’ involves all concerned parties, local residents, administrators and designers in the planning process from the very start and on an equal footing.
research project
Heemskerk: Wo ist der Bahnhof?

Apparent coincidences around Heemskerk station
November 2004 – Finding Heemskerk railway station still seems to present a problem for people from outside the area. The station stands at the end of a broad local access road that leads to a dead-end, far from the village core and the last bus stop, hidden behind a supermarket. Though this station enjoys excellent and direct connections to and from Haarlem and Amsterdam, it does not exude this status and the opportunities it presents remain unexploited. For example, the possibility of linking up the station with the new residential development of Broekpolder, which is being constructed right next to the railway line and where 8,000 potential train passengers will live. For a commission from the Broekpolder Advisory Committee for the Visual Arts, Bureau Venhuizen investigated the reasons for Heemskerk station’s current status and encountered a series of apparent coincidences. (more)
The Limes
The future of history

October 2004 – How might the Romans and Batavians be of help with today’s spatial planning issues? This question was central to the project ‘The Limes: the future of history’, for which Bureau Venhuizen devised an action plan for the Netherlands Architecture Fund and the Belvedere Project Bureau. The aim of this project is the translation of cultural-historical qualities in general and those of The Limes in particular into present-day spatial planning tasks, such as a design for the Over-Betuwe Landscape Park. The possibilities presented by this translation are being researched at various levels by artists, researchers, experts and designers through to October 2005. (more)
Cancellation of ‘Squaresaver’

September 2004 - For the ambitious ‘Squaresaver’ design, which required a screensaver for the new marketplace in the city borough of Amsterdam Zuidoost, the technology proved to be insufficiently reliable to install it on such a large scale. Because construction of the square was accelerated in 2004, the Squaresaver project had to be abandoned.
Presentation of Implementation Projects

September 2004 – The results of the implementation projects for Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil) were presented by the designers at a public event for administrators, experts, the parties involved, residents and other interested parties. Following the presentations there was a discussion about the plans between the design team and the attendees.
The Desired Landscape: beautifying the landscape with new flowerbulb sheds

September 21, 2004 - Three design teams came up with solutions to promote economic growth in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region, while retaining the diminutive scale and an open landscape. Artgineering proposed the vital combination of flowerbulb cultivation and tourism should in future be complemented by the creation of land using excess silt from waterways. Twan Jütte’s design for a half-submerged flowerbulb shed creates a realistic alternative in an open landscape. The Copy_Paste design team developed a ‘nodes strategy’ for the expansion of the industrial terrain on the Delfweg in order to preserve the cultural-historical qualities of the flowerbulb landscape. ( > implemantation)
New Heritage: cultural history in a newly built neighbourhood?

September 2, 2004 - In association with the Municipality of Voorhout, the design team carried a study into the perception and potential application of cultural-historical qualities in the design of a future residential area. Using the discovered cultural-historical qualities such as the ribbon of farmhouses, the polder landscape, flowerbulb cultivation and the millrace, a number of proposals were elaborated further. ( > implementation)
New Heritage: can cultural history create space for Warmond?

September 2, 2004 - The Municipality of Warmond cannot expand: the red-line zoning and the ‘kerosene contour’ around Amsterdam Airport Schiphol set out in the new Nota Ruimte (‘National Spatial Strategy’) allow no space at all for new construction. What might cultural-historical qualities mean for breaking through this impasse? Can threats such as an aging population and sprawl be marshalled as opportunities for a new spatial strategy? And what are the possibilities for the old village heart? The design team translated various cultural-historical and contemporary qualities into a quartet of possible strategies to ensure a ‘vital’ Warmond in the future. ( > implementation)
Bulb & Breakfast: Old flowerbulb sheds, new tourism

August 31, 2004 – How can Bulb & Breakfast best make its mark on the tourist map of the region? Are lodging facilities themselves sufficient or should they be marketed as a ‘cultural event’ combined with music, art or recreation in the region? In the proposals, attention was given to ideas that included a link with long-distance paths, a design for a flexible and multifunctional space, and a marketing strategy with a logo and merchandising, for example picnic rugs with the map of the flowerbulb region in order to raise the project’s profile and make it commercially interesting for the owners of flowerbulb sheds. ( > implementation)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (Norway)

September 2004 – On the invitation of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Hans Venhuizen led a workshop on concept development with fourth-year students of Urban Design and Planning. The starting point was filling in a matrix of tasks and phenomena during an expedition along the Norwegian coast near Trondheim. The students were studying the area and collecting as much information as possible about social, economic, spatial and political developments in the area. Key data were then transformed into tasks (what to do) and phenomena (what plays a role). The matrix provides the basis for the concept phase: specific combinations can lead to novel insights and surprising finds from which (spatial) concepts can arise.
Het Groene Woud (The Green Woods), Boxtel (the Netherlands)

September 8, 2004 - In spring 2004, ‘Het Groene Woud’ (‘The Green Woods’), a collection of nature areas and unique cultural landscapes within the triangle formed by the cities of Den Bosch, Tilburg and Eindhoven was designated as a ‘National Landscape’ by Dutch central government. During the symposium, which ‘celebrated’ the granting of this status, Hans Venhuizen talked about the cultural dimension of spatial planning. Venhuizen emphasized the enormity of the cultural act that is represented by the desire and the actual act, over the centuries, of structurally allowing land to ‘revert to nature’ – land that was brought under cultivation thanks to considerable effort, even if it is known as ‘nature’. (more)
Tracking context and phenomena

The cultural dimension as the driver of spatial planning
April 2004 - Article in S&RO (4/2004): Anne Luijten and Denise Vrolijk in conversation with Hans Venhuizen about authenticity, the eye of the artist, imagination, and the process by which content is created. (more)

Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil): Winners at Work in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region

June/July 2004 - Does cultural history provide impulses for future developments in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region? Will old flowerbulb sheds become new cabins for hikers in a Europe-wide network of accommodations for long-distance walkers? Can the use of excess silt help preserve the open landscape and stimulate new tourism-related opportunities? What does cultural history actually mean to the local residents and how can the region’s contemporary culture be involved in future developments? During the workshops, designers and architects worked on the winning plans from the competitions together with various experts, elaborating them for a number of actual locations in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region. ( > implementation)

New Office Opens

June 11, 2004 - Since June 2004, Bureau Venhuizen has been based in the Van Nelle Factory, in the section where the engineering workshop used to be. The Van Nelle Factory was built between 1925 and 1931 to a design by the architects J.A. Brinkman and L.C. van der Vlugt. With regard to the history of architecture, the factory complex is unique. The client and the architects wanted the building to give the phenomenon of factories an ‘attractive’ and undiluted character. The organization and layout of the buildings was intended to contribute to a new work ethic. The building is also considered a textbook example of architecture in the Nieuwe Zakelijkheid (‘New Objectivity’) style, the Dutch take on functionalism. (contact)
study trip
Alles wird gut
Study Trip to Central and Eastern Europe 200

May 2004 - In April and May 2004, artists, writers, journalists and architects, including Hans Venhuizen, took part in a study trip through Central and Eastern Europe. For the essay bundle inspired by the trip, Ideals in Concrete, Hans Venhuizen wrote the article ‘Alles wird gut’, in which he outlines the attitude adopted by many city governments in former East Germany with regard to the exodus from their cities. Instead of beginning from the situation as it stands and seeking out realistic possibilities for development within this, the cities attempt to turn the tide with ‘Alles wird gut’ – future predictions that are based on speculative assumptions. (more)

Prize Presentation for Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil)

April 2004 – On Friday, April 2, the chairman of the jury, Bert van Meggelen, announced the prize-winners from the final round of the three competitions: Bulb & Breakfast, The Desired Landscape and New Heritage. The prizes were presented by Mr. M. Houtman, chairman of the Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland (Heritage Centre for South Holland) and Mr. M. Witteman, chairman of the Pact of Teylingen Steering Committee. The international ideas competition for Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil) resulted in 123 innovative proposals, of which 27 were submitted from abroad. Plans from the Randstad to the region itself and from Milan to Buenos Aires were honoured with prizes. ( > competition)
Bureau Venhuizen

December 2003 – The Bureau Venhuizen brochure presents the bureau’s methodology on the basis of three projects: Amphibious Living, The making of Mheenpark and Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil). The English-language brochure can be downloaded here (
Bureau Venhuizen, pdf file 450 KB) or ordered via
The making of Mheenpark

November 2003 – In the publication The making of Mheenpark there is a report on the open planning process that Bureau Venhuizen devised and facilitated for the transformation of Mheenpark. The game ‘The making of’, which involves local residents in the spatial planning process, was applied to decide the preconditions for the transformation. The results of the comprehensive invent, the various rounds of the game and the provisional design are summarized in the brochure. The brochure can be downloaded (
The making of Mheenpark, pdf 1,7 MB) or ordered via
Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil)
Culture-based planning in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region

January 2003 - December 2004 - In Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil), Bureau Venhuizen investigated the role that cultural history can play in the future spatial layout of the Dune and Flowerbulb Region from 2002 through to 2004. In answer to a commission from the Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland (Heritage Centre for South Holland), Bureau Venhuizen developed a process for Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil) that consisted of three phases: inventory, competition and implementation. An inventory was drawn up of the themes that are relevant in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region, and especially the spatial impact these have, or might have. The competition briefs were distilled from this material, and architects, designers, artists and local, hands-on experts were welcome to participate. During the implementation phase, and in collaboration with three local municipalities, the best proposals were elaborated by designers for specific locations in the region. You can read more about the Geest en Grond (Soul and Soil) project at and in the Dutch-language publication
Geest en Grond, culturele planologie in de Duin- en Bollenstreek.
WAPLA The art of car washing
Artists design car-wash facilities for Leidsche Rijn

September 2003 – On the initiative of BEYOND (the multi-year art project in Leidsche Rijn), eight artists, architects and designers worked on the design of car-wash facilities for Leidsche Rijn. Residents are not allowed to wash their cars on the street, because of the environmentally friendly water system, and must use special car-wash facilities instead. The designs were bundled in a catalogue. Candidate franchisers could submit a bid to manage a Wapla facility by public tender, and had to choose a design from the catalogue. At the end of April it will be decided which design will be used. Bureau Venhuizen is responsible for the concept management in this process.
The making of ©Bureau Venhuizen 2001

April 2003 - The game methodology ‘The making of’ was used in 2003 for the transformation of the Mheenpark in Apeldoorn. The game, which is played by 50 local residents of all ages, was an important step in establishing the criteria for the park’s redesign. The results of a comprehensive inventory and the various rounds of the game served as input for the design brief for the municipal designers. Starting in 2005, the design will be realized in phases.
An ambitious square in Amsterdam Zuidoost

November 2002 - The Squaresaver project by Bureau Venhuizen for the future Anton de Komplein in the Borough of Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam, is currently under development. In March 2002, there was a follow-up to the proposal in the form of a commission for a draft design. A project team is currently working on the realization of the design, a process that depends on existing and innovative technological possibilities. An interesting development in this regard is the possibility of using a computer to remotely control the blocks with LEDs. This could mean massive cost reductions, as it would leave existing underground infrastructure undisturbed and maintenance could be carried out at ground level.